Thursday, April 08, 2010

Shutter Island - a psychological thriller done right

Shutter Island (2010)
The movie is an excellent psychological thriller directed by Martin Scorcese (who also directed 'The Departed'). Amazing movie, amazing atmosphere and amazing actors (mainly Leonardo di Caprio) makes this movie... well amazing. Make sure you catch this on the big screen. If you can't for some reason and end up watching it at home then make sure you switch off the mobile because this is a one sitting movie.
One word of warning though: this movie will only draw you in if you are bit patient. During certain parts (especially in the first half) the movie can get a bit slow. But sure enough your patience will be rewarded in the second half of the movie.
The people who made Karthik Calling Karthik should have read the book 'Shutter Island' is based on before starting. It would have taught them how to create an atmosphere and that IT IS ALL RIGHT TO LEAVE THE AUDIENCE WITH QUESTIONS! In fact it encourages the audience to watch the movie again.
Or maybe they should have just gone ahead and asked Martin Scorcese to direct the movie.

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