Saturday, May 05, 2007

Snapshots of Delhi.. a few lasting memories...

This is not USA! This is a market in the diplomatic area of Delhi (Malcha Marg)

A rainy, winter afternoon at the Orchid

An evening at Plaza (C.P.). Water on my mind! Lisa Ray is looking amazing in the movie. Although I was there to see Nishabd.

A full Punjabi dinner, neatly packaged!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Return to UK

Whenever I return to UK via Heathrow, the first thing that strikes me is the strange 'anti-septic' smell. Its there all over the airport. It reminds me I am back in UK.

Everything appears neater and cleaner. A bit more organised. The press of people waiting to 'meet and greet' arriving passengers is the same as you see in India. But then the number of people around you starts reducing. Pretty soon you are out of the terminal and, if it is evening, it feels as if you have arrived not in London (the largest city in the world) but a small village in the middle of nowhere.

As you move towards the bus terminal, still lost in thoughts of home, feeling dazed and a bit confused (after the long flight) it starts sinking in that the air is cleaner, colder and crisper.

Then you enter the bus and lean back in your seat. The bus starts, you lean back to stare out of the window. You see bright green fields (if it is morning) or dark countryside dotted with patches of light (if it is night). The one thing that really impresses me when on the motorway, are the big articulated rigs driving cross country, mainting the efficient British supply chain.

All the trucks look clean and bright. Their powerful headlights stabbing the darkness of the motorway.

As I enter Bristol, the one landmark I always look out for is the Eastville 24 hour TESCO which is right beside the M32 motorway (which is used by the bus to reach Bristol city centre).

That is my home coming.

24 hour TESCO with all the security and dependability of an old friend.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Optimism: As defined by Dilbert!

This is what I call being optimistic! :)

This joke brought a much needed smile to my face. Hope it does the same for you!