Today my housemate offered me the left over supari from his gutkha (flavoured tobacco often used as a mouth freshner). When I saw this simple but direct warning ('Causes Cancer') I burst out laughing. It was kind of funny in a very dark way.
But then I realised that whatever things we get pure pleasure from lead to harming us in one way or the other.
-Cigarettes cause cancer and other stuff.
-More sex we have higher the chances of getting some STD or cancer (since more sex we have more sperm is produced in our body, more the cells split and more is the chance of a mutation).
-Driving can get you killed.
-Playing computer games can screw up your eyes.
-Drinking can get you in trouble.
Maybe it is in human nature to seek pleasure in things which lead to our destruction.
Seeking pleasure in sin. Or maybe that is what keeps us from becoming a boring bunch of people and keeps us striving for the stars.