Such a funny cartoon with a painful twist. Can a normal job be so painful that it kills your spirit?
I love the following line from the cartoon, they are quite beautiful:
Darkness fills my days... I dream of the grave.
What pain can it be that the grave seems the only place where you will find final rest (thus you dream of the grave). What kind of darkness can leave you feeling alone and unloved on a sunny afternoon with flowers blooming around you. The feeling of complete and utter failure.
A Pain-killer
Again and again our attention is drawn to the fact that there is so much pain in the world. What we don't realise is that pain is the only constant. An orphaned child in Africa feels pain as does someone in America who has been cheated by the love of their life.
People have started keeping pain to themselves. That is why psychiatrists are doing so well.
People just don't have the strength or willingness to talk it out. Many people don't even have anyone to listen to them. Everyone has their own problems. Everyone is busy. Why should they lend an ear to someone else's problems?
This is what I think is wrong in today's world. We should always be ready to listen to people no matter how irritated, frustrated or busy we ourselves are.
- Nothing compares to the feeling of happiness and release you get when you talk to someone about your problem.
- Nothing compares to the feeling you get when you provide this feeling to someone.