Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Birth of Happiness and Death of Pain....

Yesterday was a very pleasant day for me. One of my best friends had a baby girl. This is the second time I have been to the Maternity Ward of the local hospital (Southmead, Bristol). First time for a boy, second time for a girl.

As I was standing there thinking about life and how it must feel wonderful to be a father a beautiful thought came to my head (thanks for the beautiful thought Sahara Samay! ;)) I thought that as the new baby girl has come into this world, she has bought happiness to the people around her. She bought a smile to my heart. It was like a bright light illuminating a bombed out house.

My head was full of thoughts after that. I did seem a little lost.

Having studied pain of all kinds over the years, I just feel sometimes that there are few things in the world which can get rid of it. However deep it is, however difficult to bear it may be.

My friend's words ring in my ears as I write this... he said this soon after his son was born: 'even though I have sleepless nights because of the feeding times and then I have to go and work, one look at my sons face after a long and tiring day is enough to bring a smile to my face'.

A child who is without wicked thoughts and with a clean heart is surely more than enough to remove any pain from the system.

I really don't know why I wrote this post. I cannot conclude it. I don't know where it is heading.
This post is supposed to say something.. but I cannot figure out what.

About Sahara Samay (for the curious reader) it is a news channel. This particular news channel makes sure I smile n laugh every time I watch it! So concerned it is, that I smile. :)

Monday, June 04, 2007

For the Anonymous Comment Poster!

I have been trying to figure out for last few days, who this comment poster could be.

There is just one thing I would like to state here... I don't know who you are but I know I am a very open and approachable person.

I will assume you are a decent person with my welfare partly motivating you to write the comments thus as a friend I will give you two pieces of advice:

1) Approach as a friend and not as anonymous (a question of trust!).

2) Establish a friendship and understand the person before trying to help them.

Hope this helps you out in deciding what to do next.


Sunday, June 03, 2007

Tears, Emotions and Ants

I am weak
But I am strong
I can use my tears to
Bring you home

Milk by Garbage

These lines move me every time I hear them sung by Shirley Manson. The mental image that I get from these lines is of happiness through sorrow. Coming 'home' is a topic close to my heart. But I wonder can 'tears' truly have the power of bringing one back? In this day and age of the Internet and the Ipod do we make such big decisions based on emotions only? Do emotions come into our daily life at all? Or does 'work' or 'job' form the bottom line for everything?

This shattering of emotions on the hard cold practicalities of modern life is not a good sign. Some people say that what separates humans from animals is the fact that we experience so called 'higher emotions'. These emotions therefore make us human. When we get rid of them for work or some other equally compelling reason, do we reduce ourselves to the level of animals? Kind of like ants who go around building and maintaining their nest, each ant objectively doing its assigned job?

On a different note: I wonder why we don't see some ants just lounging around doing nothing.