Thursday, January 24, 2008


The Beautiful Moon!

Red-brick chimney by starlight.

The Moon rising through the trees.

The Pleiades - The Seven Sisters, taken at max zoom.


The Mall @ Cribbs foodcourt at night - from the parking lot.

The Mall @ Cribbs foodcourt from the Vue Cinema underpass.

Home Sweet Home!

The trees of winter.

The Mall at Cribbs Causeway - bathed in sunlight on a cold winter afternoon.

A few lost clouds on a clear winter day!

The Grave of Mr. Machwe

Someone asked me, not all that long ago, if I was trying to kill myself with alcohol.

Ahh if only you could kill yourself with alcohol we won't be having a population problem!
With alcohol you can just get drunk!

But I feel I am already at peace.
My bed is my Grave, my room is my Tomb and my house is my Graveyard!
The only difference is these days someone has started leaving fresh flowers on my Tomb.

Thanks for the flowers!

Learning to hate things with a beautiful dream.
I need to do another post on this concept.
Learning to hate things with a beautiful dream.
I think that is what I learnt in 2007.
How to hate things with a beautiful dream!

More on this later... I promise.

Before anyone asks me what is wrong.... nothing is wrong.
Felt like writing some stuff... so did it!
No one should get worried. Everything is A-OK!


Monday, January 21, 2008

Exploring the Moon on a cloudy night!