Flowers In My Backyard!

Once again taken using my Canon S2 IS.
The ultimate goal of unhappiness and sorrow is to bring joy - Myself
Earlier I was going to name this post "Tickets to Nowhere" but I think these tickets did take me someplace. They took me to a place where friendship rules. Where you unpack your suitcase of problems upon arrival but when you leave you just pack happiness and good feelings.
The Tickets to Nowhere...
I write this as I head back towards Bristol. Sitting on the FK200 bus service between Bristol and Gatwick for the fourth time in the last three days.
Been out of the house since 9 in the morning, it is 5 in the evening now. Haven't eaten since dinner yesterday.
Is it fate or just pure bad luck I ask myself?
Am I the most idiotic person on the Earth?
Till now have I just been extremely lucky?
The trip to Croatia (tickets which you can see above) started off on the wrong foot.
It seemed jinxed from the word go. I was equally idiotic and lazy about the whole thing.
It started off with me not realising that I would need a long time to get the visa for Croatia.
Then somehow things looked a bit on the bright side when the visa issue got resolved (or so I thought).
But then at the last minute upon reaching Gatwick I came up against BIG problem which pretty much ended my Croatia trip (once again so I thought!). Heading back by to Bristol by Bus on Sunday pretty much made me happy. I was sick and tired of the mental stressed caused by this Croatia business. I thought atlast it has ended and it was no fault of mine.
But then the trip got revived. The problems were sorted out by my supervisor and in the end all things looked good to go. But then as it was time for me to hand my documents over to the check in staff at Gatwick today (Tuesday) I realised that I had either lost my passport or forgotten it at home.
That put the full stop on the trip. End of the story.
Wasted around 600 pounds of my supervisor's funds. Didn't get to present my paper.
My supervisor would get embarrassed since he had to fight a lot to get me another chance to travel. Falling down in his eyes is something that has hurt me the most.
How can I redeem myself from this?
I just hope to God that I don't get any bright pieces of luck in the future such as trips to exotic places.
I surely don't deserve them.
But I have No Regrets/No RemorseThis is a classic case of the fact that if something doesnt have to happen it won't happen no matter how hard you try or how good your luck is.