Cats love it, I love it and even mosquitos love it! :D
People go nuts over it! You give them a huge bar of Fruit & Nut and they don't even share it with you. Forget share, they don't even ask you (out of formality) whether you would like a teeny tiny piece!
I also love Cadbury's Bournville. It has a 'dark chocolate' flavour. I LOVE DARK CHOCOLATE. I don't think cats like this one though! Dark chocolate is an acquired taste!
[Added Later] I stand corrected! Many people love dark chocolate! So I guess by extension cats and mosquitos must also love it!

Similar to the above but with a mint center this is one chocolate which has been my hot favourite since the day I was born (I think). If you are in doubt which chocolate to give me GIVE ME THIS ONE!
HOW do you know so much about cats and mosquitos??? are you saying cats like fruit and nut but not bournville.similarly mosquitos enjoy fruit n nut, bournville and mint chocolates...This is an interesting post, u must show ur research in this area to discovery channel...
:D Research was conducted across the board. The problem is all research material is confidential ;)
I am sure the meows and the machhars wouldn't like loosing their privacy!
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