Those scientists and engineers in the Military-Industrial research estalishment have done it again! This is sheer genius. A modular weapon for the modern 'digital' soldier.
This weapon is made up of modules much like a LEGO model that is made up of building blocks. The modular nature of this weapon makes it ideal for a wide variety of mission types (right from sniping to heavy machine gun) in different environments. For example the barrel modules can be switched to convert the basic carbine M-8 to a snub nosed (short barrel) 'compact carbine' ideal for urban warfare or a fully automatic squad assault weapon (with a longer heavier barrel) for guarding static targets (such as buildings).
The soldier carrying this weapon can truly be called a 'universal soldier'.
I think the human race is the only species on the planet which kills more of its own kind than of any other species. No wonder its so lonely at the top of the food chain!
There is another funny thing I just realised. How come we don't see people protesting outside the labs/factories where such weapons (which are mainly used to kill other humans) are created and manufactured? Hell if a cosmetic or pharmaceutical company uses animals for research you will find animal lovers ready protesting loudly outside their labs and offices, just about ready to burn the place down!
I guess there are more animal lovers than people lovers here.
Or maybe it is a numbers game. The military industrial complex employs many workers, much more than say a cosmetics research lab.
I think in the end it all comes down to the saying that 'in the time of peace, prepare for war'.
Very freaky as well sad. I never thought this way. Anyway as for the protesting part, don't you think when such weapons are being created it would be kept as "TOPSECRET". Also people of the country wouldn't protest because nobody can gurantee today about the fact no country is going to attack you and your land. The weapons are also for protection and giving an image "I have more weapons then you so you are crazy to be thinking of attacking my country".
Well these things are well known once they have come off the drawing board. Plus I was talking more about protesting the production of weapons rather than research.
I agree with the last bit.. like I said people tend to 'prepare for war at times of peace' :)
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