Friday, February 10, 2006


23rd June 1985. A calm Sunday morning over the north Atlantic.
Over Ireland an Air India flight (AI-182) was making its way towards London followed by a TWA flight.
Most people don't know what happened next. The name of the AI plane was Kanishka.
Still don't know what happened next?

Sometime around 7:14 GMT a bomb in the luggage hold of the AI plane exploded. All 329 passengers on board died. Some died as the plane broke up at 31,000 feet others fell with the mangled remains of AI 182 into the sea where they drowned. I can't imagine the terror finding yourself falling from a burning aircraft when moments ago you were enjoying a Hindi movie in the comfort of the aircraft cabin.

Check out this excellent website:

Terrorists. They killed 329 innocent people. Why? Just because they wanted an independent state? It is pathetic. Independence doesn't come by killing innocent people. It comes when you are ready to sacrifice yourself before others. It doesn't come by destroying life. It comes by making sure that YOUR life has a meaning.

They should make a movie on the 329 martyrs. They made sure Punjab is a part of India and that there is peace. Sacrifice... that is the key.

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