Wednesday, August 03, 2005


I think sometimes a lonely road can bring you more peace than a room full of friends.

Over the past few days I have felt down in the dumps.. there have been days when nothing has worked.. and there will be days in the near future when again nothing will work. But I realised that this time I could handle it. I had resolved the panic. It was there at the bottom of my stomach... and it still is. But it is in control. No longer in control of me.

This has again led me to believe that however bleak your situation might seem... there are always things you can do to improve it. So even if you are surrounded by Antlions (Half Life 2) and just have couple of shotgun rounds left... or if you are running from a Cyberdeamon (Doom 2) with your health down to 10%, with no where to hide... or if in the plain old real world ur screwed with your back against the wall... dont panic.. think things through and you shall prevail. And if the panic is so bad that your brain shuts down.. then stop thinking and go with your instincts till your brain kicks back in.

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