Saturday, December 15, 2007

Back to UK, with a twist!

I just came back from India. The return journey was quite amazing. I was on a wheelchair for starters. Then the flight was delayed by 2 hours and finally I watched 3 movies on the flight! :)

IGI is being given a major facelift. The new bits that I saw did impress me, so I can't wait for the new airport to roll out! One amazing thing, I tried to give the guy who was handling my wheelchair a tip but he refused to take it. He said he could only take the tip in the toilets because there he wouldn't be seen by anyone! Usually people back home tend to get tip hungry but here it was the opposite. Someone had put the fear of god in them, which was quite refreshing to see! I always believe that one should never ask for a tip. If you ask for a tip then it is like begging.

The other thing that was amazing was I saw on the display boards that one of the flights was headed (of all the places in the world!) to Kabul, Afghanistan! The Kam Air flight was parked right next to our plane and I managed to get a good picture of it from my mobile. Take a look at the flight to Kabul!

Please notice the small hole in the skin of the aircraft near the tail, just to the left of the door! The plane actually departed as my aircraft was waiting for clearence. I just hope it arrived in one piece!

When I landed in London it was freezing outside. We were already 2 hours late and by the time I got out of the terminal it was 8.30pm. Being on a wheelchair gave a whole new twitst to the whole situation.

The yellow lights of Bristol were visible in the sky just a few hours later as my taxi drew closer to my home. Reaching home was an amazing experience. My friend was there to welcome me and again for the first time I just said 'hello' to him and crawled into bed (it was 11.30pm!) without airing my room or even changing the 2 month old bedsheets.

Dead bodies don't need fresh winding sheets when they return to the grave.



Anonymous said...

Hhmm..nice post Mr. Dead Body....I wonder what you intend to say with that and why!!!!!!!Anyways....Keep writing.

The thinking thinker said...

Hahahah so you have returned to the Grave!!!


Anonymous said...

he he... i like this grave thing...luxurious grave :D

Vibgyor said...

it should be called a dhobi ghaat instead...n u the lazy bhobi

Adita said...

Dhobhi Ghat???Why?

Azahar Machwe said...

ask the person who has written the comment! :D

Adita said...

I asked her only....I thought that was implied...... :D