Saturday, December 01, 2007

Comments Please!

?One of the things, as a blogger, which brings a smile to my face, is a comment on a post!

Every blogger dreams of getting hundreds of comments on a post. Especially if the topic of the post is a bit controvercial or a matter of popular discussion. To see a debate starting up and people going at each other, bringing out the facts and giving their own views.
It really enhances a good post and puts the 'cherry on the icing'.

Every blogger also gets irritated with 'bot' placed comments which end up advertising some crap or point to some random link.
Then there are those 'friendly' comments which don't really mean anything yet encourage you to keep writing.
One of the best kind of comments are those which talk about the post and the impact it had on the person writing the comment. A personal story about the post so as to say. That really encourages you to keep writing!

Then you have the crazy comment posters who post as anonymous. They give their views and ask strange questions all the while not having the courage to even reveal their name! How funny is that? :)


Tuhina Adit Maark said...

nice way of getting people to comment. :p

Azahar Machwe said...

hehehe :D u got me ;)