Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Two funny incidents....

I am slowly developing a strange reputation in Bristol!

Yesterday two funny things happened with me....

Incident 1:
It was evening time and I was up in my room. I heard my landlord enter the house. Since I had some work with him I went near the stairs and called out 'Jerry, I was wondering...' to see if he had few minutes to spare. Almost immediately he responded 'Azahar, I get worried when you start wondering!'


Incident 2:
Some friends were over for dinner and as it usually happens after dinner we were just sitting around talking about various things under the sun.
The topic turned to what was the smallest size women's perfume bottle normally available in the market.
After thinking a few seconds I told my lady friend 'I guess the smallest size must be 250ml'.

She burst out laughing and said that that was too much and the smallest size was about '30ml'.

Then I realised I had been equating perfume sizes with the size of scotch bottles!
The smallest bottle of scotch normally available is a 'quarter' which is nearly 250ml.


1 comment:

Tuhina Adit Maark said...

I'd like to second Jerry's opinion. hehehehe