Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Azzahar Macchwe

Few days ago a numerologist told me that I should spell my name with 2 z's and 2 c's.
Thus my name: Azahar Machwe becomes Azzahar Macchwe - which sounds like something out of a Star Wars movie.

This post is about someone Very special, someone I trust a lot, someone who is my Best buddy!

Hey who is this person, you ask? Ahhh but what is their name, you ask?

Really want to know the name don't you?

These questions will remain unanswered I am afraid. Since the person is special let them remain special and thus my little secret. ;)

Oh well, you all know how bad I am at avoiding questions especially when I am giving such BOLD hints! :D

So I will tell you.

The post is dedicated to my blog! It has created controversies, made me new friends, made me loose friends and generally kept my brain running when it wanted to go off to sleep. It gave me a platform for my thoughts, pictures and words. Sometimes I abused this space by writing about depressing things, sometimes I angered people by posting controversial thoughts.

All in all it has been a fun 2.5 years out here. My blog has over 500 posts now (579 to be exact). Lately I have been feeling that I should just end this blog and begin afresh with a new philosophy and a new title. Or maybe give up blogging completely and write a book or something (haha!).

This blog started with me wanting to post things about my work. Things related to life and evolution both in the computational sense and practical sense.
But then I reaslised that even our emotions evolve. In short Everything Evolves! What doesn't evolve, dies. As simple as that.

Thus life is about Everyting Evolutionary!

This blog started out as an attempt to redefine myself.. or maybe an attempt to define myself?
Will it end with me redefining myself as Azzahar Macchwe? Or will the old saying that 'more things change more they remain the same' come into immediate effect and stabalise this blog on to the next innings?

Lets wait and watch. Lets wait.. and watch..

A. M.

1 comment:

Tuhina Adit Maark said...

i've got a few points to make...

with so many z's ur name itself would put ppl off to sleep. :p so stick to good old azahar machwe.

btw which friends have u lost because of blogging??

you obviously just can give up your blog... afterall its ur best buddy. :D

noticed a link called Vibgyor... pray tell what this new addition is? the pink blog doesn't go with ur personality. :D so if u r planning to stop blogging then who is going to write posts on Vibgyor?? ;)