Sunday, June 03, 2007

Tears, Emotions and Ants

I am weak
But I am strong
I can use my tears to
Bring you home

Milk by Garbage

These lines move me every time I hear them sung by Shirley Manson. The mental image that I get from these lines is of happiness through sorrow. Coming 'home' is a topic close to my heart. But I wonder can 'tears' truly have the power of bringing one back? In this day and age of the Internet and the Ipod do we make such big decisions based on emotions only? Do emotions come into our daily life at all? Or does 'work' or 'job' form the bottom line for everything?

This shattering of emotions on the hard cold practicalities of modern life is not a good sign. Some people say that what separates humans from animals is the fact that we experience so called 'higher emotions'. These emotions therefore make us human. When we get rid of them for work or some other equally compelling reason, do we reduce ourselves to the level of animals? Kind of like ants who go around building and maintaining their nest, each ant objectively doing its assigned job?

On a different note: I wonder why we don't see some ants just lounging around doing nothing.

1 comment:

Tuhina Adit Maark said...

Regarding the different note: The reason we find ants really active during summers because they tend to take it easy in winters. And anyway... who knows what they are upto when hidden from the rest of the world and inside the confines of their homes! As there are always some exceptions I am sure there must be some ants who must be highly lazy (like me) and just "lounging around". :p