Sunday, May 07, 2006

Indian Women are sexist!

Indian women are sexist! Then they blame us guys for sexism in society!

Why do I say Indian women are sexist?
Well they always want the guy to approach first, to say I love you first, to ask for marriage first etc. etc. Thus they assume the guy will take all the effort to bring the relationship to the next stage!

So you can say an Indian relationship is like chess. In chess white always plays first, same thing happens to the guys. We guys always get to play first!

If the girl says no to any of the questions then it is we guys who have to deal with the embarrassment! No wonder less stable (in other words idiotic) guys end up doing crazy stuff when girls say no.

I know I will never be the first to say 'I love you' to a girl. Let her come and say it to me first. This does increase the chances of me remaining single all my life and never finding love. In fact you never know, I might find a girl someday who has the power to make me the first one to say 'I love you'.


The thinking thinker said...

Mate it seems that you are going to remain single for a long long time ;-)

Coming back to point yes I agree with the point made. Girls in India want to be treated equally as guys etc etc etc. But, they need special treatment all the time - for example in bus they need seat, hard physical work is passed on to guys etc etc.

Well, I would say thats double standards. If you want to be equal then take up the challenge and don't expect special treatments.

Asahikaru said...

Don't argue with the basic way that God created women to be. Women have to be choosy. If we aren't then we can't guarantee that we will be able to find a relationship where we know we'll be taken care of. Unfortunately not all females think this way.

Besides, it only makes sense to let the guy go after the female. Because when/if he decides that he is tired of her the first excuse will be "well you were the one who asked me, I didn't ask you." That is the most annoying line that has ever crossed the lips of a guy.

But don't be too discouraged, just think of it as a way of letting the girl know you are interested in her. Women will have more respect for a man who is willing to have courage and talk to them and try to get to know them. I know I do.

And as far as the whole being treated like equal stuff...What is that? Just because a woman wants to be treated equal (equally statused, mind you) doesn't mean that that she has to be treated the same as a man. Think about it. She isn't a man! She never will be! So her ideals are different. If people do not understand the important roles that each gender or sex plays in society, they will not understand this. Her role is not any less important than a man's and his isn't any less than hers. They are just different. So, things like common courtesy don't have to be thrown out the window just because she claims to want equal political status, equal economic status, freedom from sexual exploitation. But seriously it all depends on the specific person. I will hold a door for a guy, another girl, it doesn't matter. I find the importance of being kind to people and not because I am trying to prove some political point. But hey, it is just something to think about.