Tuesday, May 09, 2006



Great to see so much talk being generated about this issue. But thats where it usually stops. We are all ready to back social issues in principle. But when we find ourselves in a similar situation we tend to take the easy way out: When in Rome do as the Romans do.
In the end, as it has always been, the success of the play depends on the main actoress and her abilities. If the bride has courage and determination then no one can dare do anything.
Even her parents would gain strength from the fact that their daughter is bold and able to handle such issues.

But how will the daughter become bold?

Most Indian woman are sexist when it comes to relationships. They want the guy to take initiative. Once they do that they have already handed the control over to the guys side.
As we are seeing today girls (esp. in metro cities) are starting to take the initiative. I would like to see someone asking for a dowry from a well educated working professional of a girl. A girl who is aware of what she can do.

Finally as far as giving away your daughter in style is concerned I think as long as it is the brides family doing it without pressure from the grooms side, it is ok.
Even if they do it because of social pressure. After all everyone tries to have the best possible image in the society they live in.

Its the same with those people who have posted on this blog. In the society we move around in (probably well educated people) if you said dowry was a good thing you would become a social outcast.

The same way in a village if you say dowry is a bad thing you become a social outcast.

In the end remember human being is a social animal. And whether for good or for bad we always try to adjust to our surroundings and society. The few of those who don't are called visionaries or crackpots. But it takes courage to be either.


again while I agree to the fact that if more people end up questioning the concept of dowry (esp. men looking to get married) it would become a taboo, I don't think society is a uniform creature.
The society of well educated forward thinking people, that is often to be found only in major cities, would certainly benefit from such kind of questioning. In fact such a society has a high sense of ethics and morality(at least in public!) so they know at some level that dowry is bad. Thus you will find them vociferously protesting against various social evils at all the right places.

But the society WE make does not in any way extend or connect with the society which actively practices the evil of dowry (to be found in the smaller cities). Thus we do not have a great influnce on them.

Now I agree with you that dowry is a very bad thing and like you said social pressure does encourage it. But my question is.. how do we influence a society so very different from ours?
How do we translate a seminar in an A/C auditorium (I hope it was) into action in a small town where everyone (almost!) thinks that girls are a burden?

In the end it comes down to the classical reply given by people who are struggling under a rotten system when you try and show them the way out: 'But we have to live here, we can't go against the system, you will go away who will help us then?'

I think you cannot remove the social pressure. You need to start not with the adults. They have already had their values/morals/ethics hard wired.
Start with the kids. Start with the female child.

Like I mentioned the new generation of educated working women are ready to kick ass. They are still in minority but the numbers are surely increasing (like you said a start has been made!). This concept will slowly reach the smaller cities.
And thats how you will remove dowry.

Dowry exists because somewhere in the mind of the typical Indian female exists a major inferiority complex. They define themselves by their man. They know/think/believe that without a man they cannot survive in society.
This complex is what is exploited when demanding dowry.

When does support turn into supplication in a girls mind I don't know. Maybe that is the reason Indian families don't break up that easily w.r.t. some countries. The women learn to sacrifice their individuality for the greater good of the family.
In the major cities we see as women get more independent the divorce rates are on a rise.
Maybe these two things are tied in.

On one side the dominated female (Happy Families but evils like dowry, bride burning etc.) on the other side the dominating female (Happy Families but evils like extra-mar. affairs/families torn apart by divorce etc.)

What would you choose?


Anonymous said...

In my opinion Dowry when clubbed with lust is deplorable, but Lust for money and luxries is deplorable anyway.
The problem is not only with boy's family...it is with girl's family also. If somebody asks for dowry which you think is not appropriate why do not you refuse that guy straight way.The argument that one asks for dowry when marriage is nearing or after marriage is also flawed. If marriage is broken both parties have to suffer and answer to society. You may say that marriage of a girl after it has broken once is difficult.
But then you can easily see that the problem is not dowry but the fact that we(including girl's family) treat women as weak. We should rather try to tackle the fact that if a marriage is broken women retain the same respect as does the boy's family. The solution lies in making and treating women strong and it is for women themselves to understand this first. In nutshell the logic that you should punish people asking for dowry because women are weak is very fragile. If in any marriage a women feels she is being treated just as source of money, she should call it quit immediately(as she never can ever be happy in such family).
Gifts( the Bad word for which is Dowry) in my opinion should be given parents of both boy and girl to the couple. After all parents have earned all their life only to see their children settled and secure in life. But before giving them any money in their hands they should make sure that they have made their sons and daughters realise the value of money and how the money should be spent judiciously and wisely on they(the two and their family) themselves.Let parents educate their children's on how to manage hard earned money, when to trust others in money matters e.t.c. If parents of girl/boy have not taught their children this basic principle either those parents or their children are to be blamed and not somebody else.

Guys/Gals if you are foolish and someone takes money away from you by playing with you, in my opinion, there is and should be no law in world that should save you.Forget about dowry, this is a universal statement. SO Girls and Guys use whatever your parents have given you judicioudly even if it on each other. That is the moral. Do not hide behind anti dowry statements/laws to protect you if you yourself are fools on not knowing how to manage your own money. Stop harping anti dowry statements just because you think someone can easily cheat you.
Where is dowry stands wrong is the fact that people treat others in inhumane way because they themselves need money from others.For inhumane treatment there are already laws to handle it.
I think women/man in such a relationship should be shunned by other immediately. The day most of us understand this concept, the in-humane dowry concept will die its own death.
The humane dowry concept(parents passing on what they earned in life to their children) is going to stay for ever.Because that is the way the life on earth(and not only in human society) has evolved.

I have some more to add, but will do so after your response.Rgds

Azahar Machwe said...

I agree with what you said.
In fact like I say in the post:
"...the new generation of educated working women are ready to kick ass. They are still in minority but the numbers are surely increasing (like you said a start has been made!). This concept will slowly reach the smaller cities.
And thats how you will remove dowry."

So it is important to empower women not just with laws but with a new way of looking at themselves and their place in society.
Laws have their own place and like you said they can only play a limited role. It is (as I said) up to the parents of the girl child to make the child feel confident about life and making her realise that her options in life are not limited to that of producing kids and looking after family.

Looking forward to your follow-up comment.