Saturday, January 14, 2006

Want VS Need

All big questions can be resolved into a problem of Wants VS Needs.
If you are in love with more than one girl then decide which girl you want and which girl you need. Always go after the one you want. Because needs are dictated by the brain.
Needs are practical. You need food, water and air. You need to sleep.

Love is anything BUT practical. Love goes against everything practical. Imagine if Romeo had been 'practical'. The story would have ended by Romeo ignoring Juliet coz he knew it just wasn't
practical for them to fall for each other.

Therefore when you fall in love go after the girl you want and not the girl(s) you need.

On a lighter note I was taking tips from a friend of mine on how to woo this one girl and here is what she said:

honey_blossom0: actually if i woo her i have better chances than u

The scary thing is... she might be right! :D

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