Sunday, March 27, 2005


Everyone always has two choices.. just two choices.
You might have 10 choices in front of you but they can always be neatly divided into the basic two choices.
The high path or the low path. Facing a problem or running away...
both choices have equal merit. Sometimes the desperation levels are so high that running away is the only logical choice one has.
At other times running away is the last thing on our minds.
What truly decides it for us is the fact that how attachted are we to the answer to the question that has put the choices before us.

Whatever talk we may generate about the choices... in the end it comes down to the two.
There is no escaping it. No hiding from it. The only reason we get confused is because we try and confuse ourselves by inventing more choices than their are. Maybe we dont want to face the hard truth that our options are limited. But this confusion leads to more anguish than accepting the hard truth.

So as the poem from Robert Frost says..
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."

Maybe by facing the two choices we can make a difference.

Azahar Machwe
27th March 2005

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