Sunday, January 25, 2009

Seven Pounds - Heavy movie but worth a watch!

Seven Pounds is a new Will Smith movie. Will not go into the details of the story since that would spoil the movie.

The movie is quite heavy and good for people who like to cry in the movies.
In fact this movie, from start to end, has people crying and weeping therefore the audience is bound to do the same.

The movie talks about how the actions of one man bring great changes in the life of total strangers. It is an interesting concept which brings together different people and their lives, united by one thread. What this thread is, that is what the movie is about.

I was somehow able to guess the story after watching the movie for 5 minutes.

The story is simple and somehow towards the end seems to drag a bit. A simple story is a double edged sword. While it makes it easy to develop the characters it makes it difficult to keep the attention of the audience.

Watch this movie. Cry if you feel like. Go to sleep in between if you want or play with your PSP if you want. The only reason I wasn't that touched with the movie was because it was a movie. It is easy to act but how a person would behave in real life is difficult to judge.


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