Wednesday, June 27, 2007


According to the survey data, for every 100 women in Australia, there are 97 men.

Source: Times of India

This surely sounds like paradise... women EVERYWHERE, dates guaranteed!

Well that is what I thought till a female friend of mine (when I told her this) asked me 'what am I trying to say'. That is when I realised that 100 women for 97 men means women dominate. While I don't have issues with women who dominate this set me thinking what would society be like if women ran it and men sat at home and did all housework.



The thinking thinker said...

It will be same...
One will grow up in such an enviornment from birth and will notice no difference...

Azahar Machwe said...

:) I meant the transition to women in control. Of course if you were born into it you wouldn't see any differnce!

The thinking thinker said...

Hmmm transition... transition is the key word in my life @ the moment... from perosnal life to work life... hehehehehe...

It depends how you take it... it can be fun too...
