Monday, June 11, 2007

Female Logic..

Firstly I am NOT trying to say that women can be totally dumb and illogical sometimes.

What I am trying to say is that female logic is different. That is what makes it interesting. It is most fascinating to watch two women talking to each other in different situations.

Three interesting things I will point out here which I find are unique to women interacting with women...

1) Sniping... this is the situation when in a group of women one woman is the focus of all the attention and one woman is jealous. Often one will find a non-obvious verbal war going on between the two. Nothing will be said openly or clearly. Everything is hidden behind a veil of words. If you can identify this sniping then its really fascinating to see the two women dominating for supremacy. Oh and if you think the other women in the group are not aware of it... you are wrong! They are already taking sides.

2) Friendships... have you ever noticed how women seem to become friends with each other for no apparent reason (that is unless a sniping situation develops)? I think there is something unique about this phenomenon. Its almost as if two women recognise they are part of some secret club or society and that bonds them together?

3) Questions and Thoughts... women think SO differently. It is mind numbingly difficult for me to even try and think like that! Today I asked a lady a question about girls (related to sniping) she asked me in return that don't you have a girlfriend otherwise you would never have asked this question! I replied that when two women talk and I am the third person there, I switch off my brain and start praying to God (seems the safest option to me!).
If I don't know the women (lucky me!) then I like to listen like a fly on the wall. I observe very carefully how questions and various supporting gestures are carried out. I think in women thoughts are totally different from questions they ask which are totally different from the information conveyed by their body language.

In fact being evaluated by two women simultaneously (say by your girlfriend and her best friend who you just met 10 minutes ago) is the most difficult situation for some. I find such situations quite revealing.

The one advantage we men have is that women get fooled with words! Say the right words at the right time and you get a 10 out of 10! You can have your cake and eat it too.

For all my female friends and readers... before you launch multiple sub-kiloton nuclear warheads towards me... the above does not mean that I try and make a fool of you! You are an important part of my life so I would never like fooling around with you (in other words I BEG FOR MERCY)!



Meera said...

LOL. I cant tell you in what a foul mood i was before i read this post. Seriously I was in the mood to kill but for some reason ur post disperse all my anger....btw i always thought men and guys makes friends easily....not vice versa. I have notice guys automatically get comfertable when they r first introduced while girls tend to evaluate each other carefully. So its surprising reading somebody saying otherwise.

Azahar Machwe said...

My job is done then! :) If it made you smile then I am quite happy!

Well women evaluate only if evaluation is required (i.e. if contact is long term - like for work or some project or a new friendship)

If it is a question of a short term friendship (say on a plane journey) then guys tend to stay aloof but girls will start chit chatting.. ;)