Sunday, January 14, 2007

Taxi No. 9211 (a.k.a. Taxi No. 420)

Just finished watching Taxi No. 9211.
I liked the movie. But there was something going on at the back of my mind while I was watching it. I knew this movie has to be a copy of some Hollywood flick. Mainstream Bollywood is just not that creative!

Yet I couldn't figure out which one. Initially when I had seen the trailers of the movie I thought (wrongly) that perhaps its a copy of Collateral.
As the plot unfolded, it suddenly struck me which Hollywood flick Taxi No.9211 was a copy of.
Taxi No. 9211 was copied from a movie called Changing Lanes (released 2002) starring Samuel L. Jackson and Ben Affleck.
The story is exactly the same except in case of Changing Lanes Samuel L. Jackson (played by Nana Paterkar in 9211) is not a taxi driver and Ben Affleck (played by John Abraham) is a lawyer. The circumstances are the same, Ben Affleck has to submit some papers in court involving a multi-million dollar trust suit.

The full story of Changing Lanes can be found here.

Too bad mainstream Bollywood can only copy stuff or dish out re-heated crap.

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