Sunday, June 19, 2005

Flaming June..

Flaming June: thats the title of a techno song. But now that the summer is here my enthusiasm graph is at an all time low. These days I have been staying awake all night and then sleeping at stranger and stranger hours!
From sleeping at 6am (Tuesday) I am down to sleeping at 1pm (Saturday). Hopefully today (Sunday) I will not sleep at all till the night and thus my sleep cycle will be corrected (hopefully).
My thoughts have become abstract and sometimes I think I am loosing my mind (what a happy thought!).
The true dog days are here! :D

All through this I managed to keep doing some work. So all is not lost.
The summer is always a difficult time for me. Makes fall/winter even more tempting.

Summer months are the months I feel as if my brain has been disconnected from my body and it is now being controlled by a more basic intelligence.

I become a caveman in the summer.

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