Monday, April 04, 2005

A line I hate...

I dont know about anyone else.. but I hate it when I read somewhere '... and I never saw him/her again'.
These words are so true sometimes.. you never know when you are meeting someone face to face for the last time. When they drop out of contact, move away or just die.
Ofcourse it is not possible to know everyone you ever came in touch with all through your years on this fine planet. But still the very fact that 'you never know when you are meeting someone face to face for the last time' should make everyone of us cherish each and every hello.
Extending this line of thinking a bit we can see a hello is like a birth, a start of a relationship... a relationship often based on simple things like standing in the same line or travelling on the same plane. The birth, the beginning is the most difficult time. When we say hello we initiate something which has to terminate with a goodbye. Thus great responsibility lies on the person who initiates this birth.
In simple words the responsibility for the relationship and the main burden of pain on its ending (i.e. the goodbye) lies on the person who initiates it.. the person who says hello first.

But when we think of practical relations it is the law of percentages... very few relations (<1%) that we start so happily, actually make us sad when they end. These are often basic relations like love which is most strange and complicated itself. It has no beginning and no ending. It is the one true relation that can be maintained across physical distances. Thus the relation of love has the power to remain unaffected by all kinds of 'goodbyes' including Death. Infact strangely enough Death makes it stronger sometimes.

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